Nick's two bottom teeth are getting taller every day! So far he is a great teether. He'll get a little fussy - not really crying, just fidgety and making irritated noises, and sticking his hands in his mouth a lot - and then we give him some Hyland's Teething Tablets (a homeopathic teething relief aid) and he's all smiles again! He is still sleeping and nursing normally, too. So far so good!
We can tell Nick really wants to sit up, and he is almost there, but not quite. He loves his Bumbo and sitting up with support from the Boppy. He is playing with toys more, and really seems to focus and
Last weekend was terribly sad - Grandma Juarez's funeral was Saturday. Nick got to meet lots of new people and see some old friends. He brought comfort and some smiles to lots of people, and was very patient during the service. Sunday we hung out at home with Aunt Krystyn and Uncle Zack. Melissa and Jim Madden stopped by for a little while, too. Monday we all went over to Aunt Cindi's for a Labor Day BBQ. Tuesday was the graveside service, so Nick went to daycare. Wednesday Aunt Krystyn and Uncle Zack flew home, and dad returned to work. Thursday mom returned to work and Nick did not have an easy day at daycare.
Today Nick had a great day at daycare. Tonight we were going to go out and do something 'fun,' but Nick wanted to nurse to sleep pretty early, so he went to sleep and
Nick has been a huge comfort to us these past couple weeks. While I am very sad he will never know my mom, I am kind of glad he's too young to realize what's going on or to experience the loss we're feeling right now. He is such a happy, laid back, active baby, we can't help but smile when we're around him and it helps right now. We just love that boy!
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