Nicholas Paul Lundberg was born April 3, 2009 at 3:18 am. He weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and is 21 inches long. I was completely dilated when I arrived at the hospital at 9:21 pm, and I started ineffectively pushing around 11 pm. I didn't start getting good pushes until they gave me a tad bit of pitocin, and he was born less than an hour after that. I am SO GRATEFUL to my doula, Alicia Montgomery, and my midwife, Jan McIntosh - Alicia told me if I had anyone except Jan I would have had a C-Section around midnight. But Jan knew how serious I was about a natural, med-free delivery. I had to have antibiotics because I was strep B positive, and I must have had some kind of infection because my temperature was in the 100s my whole labor. I also had back labor the entire time - we never even measured or counted my contractions, they were one on top of the other the whole time and since it was mostly in my back I could hardly tell when they stopped and started to be able to time them! I did not have any narcotics or an epidural, though - I had the birth I wanted, to a certain degree. Baby Nick needed some help - he was very stressed in there for four hours, lots of meconium, low blood sugar and possibly some of my infection. But we are both doing fabulous now :)
Congratulations, Tanya and Jeff!!! He is beautiful. I am so excited for the THREE of you! I hope you are all doing well.
Congrates Jeff & Tanya !!! Nicholas's is very cuite...
Congratulations!! He is just beautiful. I can't wait to hear about the HFWB experience!
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